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Lilibette's Resources

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Raising standards in KS1 and Special Needs: helping every child to succeed. I have taught systematic phonics to all ages and abilities for over 30 years. My teaching degree was in Environmental Studies and I hate to see science reduced to box-ticking when there is so much to discover about the wonderful world we live in. So, I produce Phonic resources that meet the real needs of children and teachers, along with science resources to engage children in learning about the natural world.




Raising standards in KS1 and Special Needs: helping every child to succeed. I have taught systematic phonics to all ages and abilities for over 30 years. My teaching degree was in Environmental Studies and I hate to see science reduced to box-ticking when there is so much to discover about the wonderful world we live in. So, I produce Phonic resources that meet the real needs of children and teachers, along with science resources to engage children in learning about the natural world.
Phonic Worksheets for Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds

Phonic Worksheets for Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds

A bumper pack of 160+ pages of resources - to help you to teach all of the new graphemes for Phase 5 of Letters and sounds to all abilities. This pack follows on from our popular Phonic Worksheets for Phases 3 and 4. This pack will help you to Introduce the new phase 5 graphemes: ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ir, u-e, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au, ey, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, e-e, and ‘y’ saying ‘eye’ and ‘o’ saying ‘u’. Please note: this pack uses Phase 5 tricky words as part of the comprehension passages, but does not aim to teach them. Please not: Alternative pronunciations are not covered in this pack. For each digraph there are: Flashcards Sentences to read - these build on the preceding digraphs, giving plenty of revision Differentiated worksheets: find the missing word, complete the sentences, write the word, etc… A reading passage including words from the newly introduced digraph These passages also introduce tricky words, as well as being truly systematic, never introducing words that have not yet been taught. This instills confidence in pupils. These passages make great ‘reading books’. Questions to answer about the passages Great for classwork, revision, assessment or homework! Fully differentiated, they meet the real needs of the average class and are fully systematic: no words are introduced for which the student has not yet learned the necessary skills to decode. They provide ample practice for students in both reading and spelling. Suitable for use with other schemes as long as you make sure that your children know the sounds necessary to complete the sheet. Copy, reduce, enlarge as much as you like. For spelling dictations to accompany this book of resources please see my Phase 5 Spelling Programme. Please see the book of Initial sounds Worksheets, the CVC/CVCC words Worksheets for Phases 2, early 3 and simple cvcc words in Phase 4 and the Phonic Worksheets for Phases 3 and 4.
Phases 2 -5  Letters and Sounds  Phonic worksheets BUNDLE

Phases 2 -5 Letters and Sounds Phonic worksheets BUNDLE

4 Resources
A complete course for Letters and Sounds taking pupils form initial sounds in Phases 2 and 3, to blending cvc words, in Phase 3, to the new digraphs and trigraphs of Phases 3, plus the consonant blends of Phase 4, ending with the new digraphs of Phases 5. Four books packed with over 350 fully differentiated worksheets. The Phase 5 book also contains reading comprehension passages with questions to answer, and short sentences to read suing the new sounds. These resources cater for all needs and abilities of the average class, and can also be used for special needs education. All tried and tested on pupils for many years. For the discerning teacher of phonics who wants to ensure that all children succeed, these books are truly systematic - building upon each other with no nasty surprises. Written by a phonics specialist teacher with over 30 years teaching phonics to all ages and abilities, and the author of Reading Made Simple, a 100% FREE systematic programme of phonics, teaching reading through writing.
CVC Phonics Games

CVC Phonics Games

Six phonic simple games to help children learn to blend and segment cvc words. Suitable for use with Read, Write Inc. Learning to blend with set 1 sounds. These games work wonderfully to help disillusioned readers succeed, but great for helping all children Pre K to 2nd grade and older special needs pupils. These games have all been written by a special needs teacher, who knows exactly where children get stuck and what is needed to help them progress. The children will not know they are learning! Make Phonics learning fun and help it to stick! Perfect for teaching assistants, to send home in book bags and for the home-school. Supplied in pdf format, all ready coloured in. Just print and play! These games are very simple, but effective. All you need is in the pack. Full instructions provided and tips on how to help your child/ren. Laminating them will help them to last longer, but iw not necessary. Contents: Short vowel games: ‘a’, ‘e’/‘i’ and ‘o’/‘u’ (three games) - reading games All vowels Game - a reading game Missing Vowel Game - a spelling game Final sound Game - a spelling game
CVC Words/Consonant Blends Words Phonics Worksheets

CVC Words/Consonant Blends Words Phonics Worksheets

A bumper pack of 70 differentiated phonics worksheets to support the teaching and learning of blending and segmenting cvc and consonant blends words with a short vowel sound (not including special friends sh/th/ch/qu/ng/nk and ck). Suitable for use with Jolly Phonics and Read, Write, Inc. Blending Level 1 sounds and any other good phonic programme, including Reading Made Simple. Also suitable for use with Letters and Sounds Note - this pack is for use during Phases 2 and 3 once the initial sounds have been learned. It also teaches Phase 4 consonant blends with words with a short vowel sound. It does not include the digraphs from Phase 3. These can be found here. Here are worksheets to give plentiful blending and segmenting practice for all abilities. Written to meet the needs of the average class, with a range of differentiated worksheets from which you are sure to find one to meet the needs of every pupil. Some children breeze through this stage quickly and you will find material to challenge them and to assess their readiness to move on. Others need much more reinforcement work and you will find here plenty of that too - a bountiful supply! Some sheets focus on blending, others on segmenting and some on both. Other sheets encourage the child to see letter patterns and similarities between words including a focus on rhyming. Hints on the best use of the sheets are provided - not least how to use them as an assessment tool. Suitable for use with SEND pupils and for reading catchup. The sheets can be enlarged for guided literacy sessions/whole class work. Find my decode-able FREE to download CVC Words reading books here. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12636791 Have you seen ‘Sound-it-out’ Pack of CVC Games, and the ‘Sound-it-out’ Pack of CVCC Games’ which complement these worksheets making a good fun way of reinforcing learning? They are ideal for sending home for extra practice after a lesson, or for use by classroom assistants. Also Sound-it-out Initial Sounds Worksheets for those children not yet ready for blending.
Number Sequencing Rhyme  0 to 5: Interactive PowerPoint

Number Sequencing Rhyme 0 to 5: Interactive PowerPoint

A fun interactive bird-counting rhyme in interactive Power Point form, to learn numbers and 1:1 correspondence: One little bird in the sky so blue, along came another and that made two etc… Click to reveal numbers, and add one more and count again. I enjoyed making this Power Point for a speech delayed 8yr old child who is having trouble grasping 1:1 correspondence and I am working with him to help him to understand the worth of ‘1’ and the effect of adding ‘1 more’. There is no sound (other than chimes on the practice slides), allowing the teacher/parent to give the child as much time as needed to respond. Full narration is given. It can of course be used by others of younger and older ages - but it has a more grown up feel than that provided by early counting rhymes. I hope it will be helpful to others.
O-E Phonic Worksheets: Silent E; Long Vowels; Split Digraphs

O-E Phonic Worksheets: Silent E; Long Vowels; Split Digraphs

This is a pack of 12 phonic worksheets to teach ‘O-E’ (silent ‘e’, Magic ‘e’, Long Vowels) words. These ‘O-E’ Phonic Worksheets can be used with very young children, although I made them for children who have processing difficulties and need more systematic teaching. They are: highly systematic have a limited amount on each page as these pupils tire easily. Pupils should be confident blending with consonant blends (Phase 4 Letters and Sounds for example). I use ‘Sound-it-out boxes’ for new words, where digraphs are grouped together to give the child the visual reminder to make one sound. The worksheets include activities to: Develop blending and segmenting Give needed repetition to to develop word recognition Develop phonemic awareness - much needed by early learners Tracking activities - to see and recognise the new sound in words Comprehension activities Writing practice Reading of longer passages Fluency triangles Lots of repetition builds confidence and success! Help a struggling reader today. You will find it hard to find such a comprehensive programme of systematic phonic instruction for a special needs child for such a price.
270+ Phonic worksheets for Phases 3 to 5!

270+ Phonic worksheets for Phases 3 to 5!

2 Resources
For Phases 3 to 5 of Letters and Sounds, here are over 270 fully differentiated worksheets to take pupils from Phase 3 to phase 5, passing through the introduction of consonant blends words in Phase 4. Help every child to succeed by selecting the worksheet that is right for each pupil. Here are two of our most popular books bundled together so that you save money!
CK Digraph Phonic Worksheets Phase 2

CK Digraph Phonic Worksheets Phase 2

22 ‘ck’ fully differentiated worksheets, for use with any phonic programme. Written for those just beginning to blend, e.g Letters and sounds Phases 2 -4 and RWI Speed Set 1, Special friends. These worksheets cater for the needs of the average class and special needs. The worksheets give practice in: Reading and spelling ck words Tracking the ck sound in words and sentences Proofreading Comprehension Writing sentences using ck words. These worksheets are simple, but effective. For use by teachers and private tutors. Find activities suitable for all abilities Assume no knowledge of other digraphs Two worksheets for most activities: one without consonant blend words, and one with consonant blend words. Suitable for Special Needs/intervention work/homework. If you have already purchased our big book of Phases 3 and 4 worksheets for Letters and Sounds, you may have a few of these sheets, but this pack contains mainly new/changed material.
CVC/CCVC Words Phonics worksheets Phases 2 and 4

CVC/CCVC Words Phonics worksheets Phases 2 and 4

A bumper pack of 70 differentiated phonics worksheets to support the teaching and learning of blending and segmenting cvc and cvcc/ccvc words with short vowel sounds (excluding ‘ck’), including a focus on consonant blends. Note - this pack is for use during Phases 2 and 4 once the initial sounds have been learned. It does not include the digraphs from Phase 3. These can be found here. Here are worksheets to give plentiful blending and segmenting practice for all abilities. The sheets can be used with any synthetic, systematic phonic scheme and work well at stages 2, 3 and 4 of letters and sounds, once all of the initial sounds have been learned. Many also find them helpful for older special needs pupils. Written to meet the needs of the average class, with a range of differentiated worksheets from which you are sure to find one to meet the needs of every pupil. Some children breeze through this stage quickly and you will find material to challenge them and to assess their readiness to move on. Others need much more reinforcement work and you will find here plenty of that too - a bountiful supply! Some sheets focus on blending, others on segmenting and some on both. Other sheets encourage the child to see letter patterns and similarities between words including a focus on rhyming. Hints on the best use of the sheets are provided - not least how to use them as an assessment tool. Suitable for use with SEND pupils and for reading catchup. The sheets can be enlarged for guided literacy sessions/whole class work. Have you seen ‘Sound-it-out’ Pack of CVC Games, and the ‘Sound-it-out’ Pack of CVCC Games’ which complement these worksheets making a good fun way of reinforcing learning? They are ideal for sending home for extra practice after a lesson, or for use by classroom assistants. Also Sound-it-out Initial Sounds Worksheets for those children not yet ready for blending.
Special Needs Phonic Learn to Write Sheets

Special Needs Phonic Learn to Write Sheets

These phonic ‘Learn to Write’ letter tracing sheets for Special needs children have been developed to accompany the learning of the initial sounds, to help the child who does not yet have the ability to write unaided begin to become familiar with letter shapes and correct letter formation. The physical act of writing letters while learning initial sounds is important because the movement of the hand to write, alongside seeing the letters and saying their sounds helps to make the learning process multi-sensory, which in turn ensures that more children, including those with special needs, become successful readers and writers. The sheets are placed in alphabetical order, but can be used in any order, according to the phonic scheme you are using. Do ensure that the child has plenty of free drawing practice alongside the use of these sheets so that the child develops sufficient pencil control to move on to independent writing.
Phase 5 spelling programme Letters and Sounds: Suitable for home-learning

Phase 5 spelling programme Letters and Sounds: Suitable for home-learning

A simple but effective spelling programme for Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds teaching the new graphemes. Help children become good spellers, and help struggling readers and spellers make progress. Take one sound a week, study the word list and practice the new sound and the following week do a dictation for that sound. It is that SIMPLE! Just a few minutes a day for 16 weeks! This programme works because: Each sound is studied for a whole week. This gives time for the new knowledge to be assimilated - time that the middle to lower ability groups desperately need to succeed and for whom most programmes go way too fast. The child is NEVER asked to spell a word that has not yet been systematically taught. This develops confidence and works for ALL children regardless of ability. The programme is** truly systematic**. Each dictation builds on the one before and is carefully worked out to revise the sounds. There is no SPELLING TEST that the child can fail - the dictation is the test, while also teaching children to apply their new knowledge. The child finds his/her own errors and corrects them by using phonics. It WORKS! Can be used with a whole class (where appropriate) or groups, or even individually by special needs teachers or TA’s. Note: Progress is dependent on the quality of teaching. Please ensure children can spell confidently words with the Phase 4 sounds before starting this programme. Worksheets to go with this programme can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonic-worksheets-for-phase-5-of-letters-and-sounds-12456406
Editable Reading Fluency /Practice PowerPoint Slides

Editable Reading Fluency /Practice PowerPoint Slides

Here are 10 fun, editable, animated reading fluency/practice slides to help your children to practice reading letter sounds and words - be that decodable words, or common sight words. Can also be used for number recognition. Better than flashcards! These are flashcards come to life! Make repeated practice fun and take the pain out of learning. Even the hard-to-motivate pupils love the animations and instant feedback so that they can feel successful. Simply edit the text on each slide, adding the things the child/ren need/s to practice and go into presentation mode to see the animations come to life as the child reads each word on the pictures. It is advised that you keep a copy of the PowerPoint for ease of rectification should you make a mistake while editing, and delete an animation. Do a test run before every lesson to make sure you know where to click and that all is working as expected. Who for: Young children learning letter sounds/numbers/CVC words/digraph words SEN children who need motivating to learn Intervention work where children need repeated exposure to same things ESL/ EFL pupils For use by: Home-educators Teaching in class Teaching online Private tutors What is included? 10 editable PowerPoint slides See fishes swim, ships sail, boats move, help the farmer collect the hay bales, see the trains move along the track, help the ducks swim on the pond, take rockets to space, go up in a hot air balloon, and reach for the moon! TRIED and TESTED on real children and they love them!
Initial/Beginning Sounds Teaching Resources Pack

Initial/Beginning Sounds Teaching Resources Pack

A bumper pack of teaching resources with everything you need to teach initial sounds. For use in class, for private tuition and for home education, ESL/EFL/ Special need. This Initial Sounds Teaching Pack contains (all a-z with vowels in yellow): Alphabet chart for display/for a child to practice the sounds/check and see progress Cards with both pictures and initial sounds, Cards with just a sound with room for the matching picture to be inserted above Two sets of matching pictures cards A set of lower-case letters A set of upper-case letters Vowel strips with and without pictures: these should be said daily, once learned, as the child moves on to learn to blend. Over 170 cards altogether! Simply print, cut and laminate for durability. Suggestions for use are provided, but you are only limited by your imagination!
AR Digraph Phonic Game Phase 2

AR Digraph Phonic Game Phase 2

Here is a simple ‘ar’ phonic game which I made to help my struggling readers. It is easy, fun and if nothing else, your pupil will forget his/her difficulty with reading while playing this game with either an adult or another child. Full instructions are given. Two editions are provided: black and white or coloured. Why not let the pupil make his/her own game by colouring the black and white pictures? This will make it his, or her game - personal - while linking all 18 words in the game in the child’s mind to the ‘ar’ family - so important for spelling. This is a simple game for either 2 or 3 players. If playing with other children, the teacher should watch closely to ensure that the children are sounding the words out correctly. Use as a discrete form of assessment: is the pupil using knowledge of letter sounds - or GUESSING which will lead to failure?Timely intervention now can prevent much trouble later on. Let your pupils have fun learning ‘ar’! Why not send it home for homework? Can be used with any programme including Letters and Sounds Phases 3 + 4
U-E Phonic Worksheets: Silent E, Long Vowels, Split Digraphs

U-E Phonic Worksheets: Silent E, Long Vowels, Split Digraphs

This is a pack of 12 phonic worksheets to teach ‘U-E’ (silent ‘e’, Magic ‘e’, long vowels, split digraphs) words. These ‘U-E’ Phonic Worksheets can be used with very young children, although I made them for children who have processing difficulties and need more systematic teaching. They are: highly systematic have a limited amount on each page as these pupils tire easily. Pupils should be confident blending with consonant blends (Phase 4 Letters and Sounds for example). I use ‘Sound-it-out boxes’ for new words, where digraphs are grouped together to give the child the visual reminder to make one sound. The worksheets include activities to: Develop blending and segmenting Give needed repetition to to develop word recognition Develop phonemic awareness - much needed by early learners Tracking activities - to see and recognise the new sound in words Comprehension activities Writing practice Reading of longer passages Fluency triangles Lots of repetition builds confidence and success! Help a struggling reader today. You will find it hard to find such a comprehensive programme of systematic phonic instruction for a special needs child for such a price.
sh/ch/th/ng/ck Phonic Worksheets Bundle RWI Set 1

sh/ch/th/ng/ck Phonic Worksheets Bundle RWI Set 1

3 Resources
164 fully differentiated Phonic Worksheets to teach the Special Friends: sh, ch, th, ng and ck. Meeting the needs of the average class and special needs, including dyslexia and EFL/ESL. For all phonics programmes, especially: Read, Write Inc. Set 1 Special Friends Letters and Sounds Phase 3 Set 3 Can also be used with other phonic programmes. See individual packs for details and to preview the worksheets. In time I intend to add: qu and nk.
ai  or a-e Alternative Spelling Phonic Game

ai or a-e Alternative Spelling Phonic Game

This game practices the spelling and reading of words with ai or the split digraph a-e. Suitable for use with Read, Write inc. Set 3 words. Be the first to get to the moon as you find words to fit your rocket - either ai or the a-e words. This game helps children to learn which combination of letters are used to spell common words in the ‘ai’ and ‘a-e’ sound families. It also gives practice reading ‘ai’ and ‘a-e’ words. Excellent for reluctant learners, special needs, and just about all children. Full instructions and teaching notes included. For use with any phonic programme, including Read, Write Inc. and Jolly Phonics. Tes paid licence
Phonic reading book: Owls

Phonic reading book: Owls

An phonetic easy reader aout Owls for those beginning to read longer simple texts - with words that can be sounded out using phonic knowledge and only a few most common sight words. Learn about Owls through a simple story. Learn Science at the same time! See more at([ KS1 Nature]https://ks1nature.weebly.com/)
Initial Sounds 'Reading' Books

Initial Sounds 'Reading' Books

First reading books for those just learning the initial sounds with an Initial Sounds workbook to reinforce learning. Say the letter name and/or sound Trace the letter Find the things that begin with that sound These Initial Sounds reading books can be used in two ways: You can look at each letter as it is introduced and use the page as part of the lesson for that sound. You can wait until all of the sounds in each book have been taught and use it for revision. I prefer this last way, as when the child has learned 5 sounds, s/he will be so glad to recognise the sounds that have been taught in the book and it will give him/her a real confidence boost and a feeling of success. Try it and see for yourself. As you present each book, make it a moment to mark progress. “Now you have learned some more letters, you can read this book!” These books can be followed with our popular CVC Words reading books: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12636791 For more help teaching phonics, please see Reading Made Simple, a 100% free phonic reading and spelling programme, written by two teachers with many years experience teaching children to read, especially those with special needs.
CVC Worksheets Short Vowel A FREE

CVC Worksheets Short Vowel A FREE

5 FREE worksheets to teach CVC word with a short vowel. This is a sample of our 72 sheet Short A CVC Words pack, which contains plenty of exercises to help children of all abilities to take their first steps in blending and segmenting. CVC words with a short A are usually the first words a child will learn to blend, and therefore, we start the pack with child friendly exercises, with only a small amount on each page to encourage the child. Those with more confidence can tackle our more advanced sheets: there is plenty for all abilities! The realistic pictures means that these worksheets can safely be used with older ESL/EFL/ SENd children.